Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Preliminary Task

Produce a college magazine. Using the key concepts LIIAR and connotations and denotations to produce the college magazines Front Page and Contents Page.
  • L - Language - the layout, font of the text, the text itself, images ( photographs), the process of photograph( black and white to colour), Masthead, puffs, the colour, the size of text and the colour of text.
  • I - Institution - Wyke College, Wyke achieves the best results, more students from the east riding than Hull, academic College. Fun, exciting stories not to in depth and boring.
  • I-Ideology- The message i want my magazine to give out, to all students. Respects other people, equal opportunities for all, and diversity for all students. Positive about Wyke College.
  • A-Audience- The audience will be the Wyke college students and potential students as well as some members of staff ( roughly 15-19). The Gender spilt 64% females and 36% males at the college. There mainly from around the hull and surrounding area.
  • R-Representation- The representation of the magazine would be to represent the college in a positive way, the photographs angles and connotations, stories ( including the Lead story) and how the photographs and stories represent the college.

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