Tuesday 14 October 2008

Comparing "Secondary Teachers" magazines conventions with the conventions of another College Magazine.

This is one of the two " Secondary Teachers" magazines i analysed in my last post. I noted down all of the conventions of both the magazines and they were extremely similar this is because they are the same magazine but just different issues. In the following post i will compare my findings ( Secondary Teachers conventions) with that of a new College magazine which i discovered. The major conventions i discovered from the "Secondary Teachers" magazine was:

  • Masthead

  • Main Image

  • Space at the top of Front page ( Plugs)

  • Space at the bottom of Front page ( Publishers Icon, Issue Number)

  • Text/Font ( overlapping the major image)

  • Images
In this Magazine " INTOUCH" published by the king's college in London is a college magazine with similarity's to the secondary teachers magazine i have already analysed. Both share target audiences which are Teachers, although the In Touch magazine also is sent to ex-pupils of the college.They also share similar page layouts

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