Monday, 8 December 2008

Conventions of a modern music Magazine.

The Conventions of a modern music magazine include:

Front Cover

The front cover of any magazine is vital, it is what attracts the customer to your magazine and what determines if the magazine is bought or not. Here are some conventions of modern day music magazine front covers:

  • Masthead although usually impeded by the main image on the front cover.

  • The main image is usually a picture of the main story, double page spread.

  • The front page is usually very busy with very little space without text.

  • There is usually a colour scheme with in the magazine demonstrated on the front page.

  • Plugs are used on the front page, to entice readers to buy the magazine.

  • Under the Masthead there is usually a sub masthead with a sell line.

  • The headline is big and bold ( splash) and draws attention to the front page.

Double page spread (main article)

The double page spread is the main article of the magazine and usually the main reason why readers buy that certain music magazine The conventions of a modern music magazines double page spread (main article) are:

  • The double page spread conventionally has one full page photo with the article ( usually a written article or interview) on the opposing page.

  • There is usually smaller images included in the article/interview.

  • The main image is always to do with the band on the next page.

  • There is different coloured font to show the reader that is a different and separate font, usually to show questions and answers.

  • There is usually a title on the double page spread of the band.

Contents Page(s)
The contents page of a modern music magazine is usually accompanied on the opposite page by some sort of advertisement ( Music/album or a product which would appeal to the selective audience reading the magazine.

  • The Contents page is usually split into sections usually include features, this month, every month and reviews.
  • These sections are usually split up by using boxes and sub-headings.
  • There will also usually be a medium close up of someone in the magazine with there page highlighted or repeated.

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