Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Anaylisis of Kerrang magazine

This is the front cover of an issue of Kerrang! music magazine who's target audience is alternative, rock, metal and heavy metal music, therefore the conventions of this magazine are different to q and NME as they are indie music magazines. Kerrang! is a lot more raw and supposed to look unconventional and independent and unique. the front page although does agree with some modern music magazine conventions such as the main image impeding and covering to some extent the masthead.

I believe this is a very successful double page spread as it is a very good image and the layout of the piece is very succsessful. the background is key to the image as it is relevant to the band and the article. the article is not that large but then again the band in question is not the large either( unknown)

i am not to keen oon the contents page as i believe it is to over crwoded and is difficult to understand although it agrees with most conventions such as the areas divided by sub headings and boxes.

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