Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Anaylisis of Q magazine.

These are some recent Q magazine covers.

All of these magazines share common trades such as the positioning of the masthead with is a square in the top left hand corner. The two magazines on the Right ( Razorlight and Kings of Leon) share the fact that they don't have much text on the front covers although the one in the far left does this may be because it was a review of the year edition. Personally i prefer the Razorlight and Kings of Leon editions as i believe they look more sophisticated and i would be more tempted to buy them rather than the Led zeppelin edition.

This is a Q magazine contents and it is split into sections; Features, Review, This Month and Every month. They are separated by boxes and headings a convention of a contents page of a modern music magazine. it also agrees with the convention that there is a main image of some of the contents in this instance Arcadefire, with there name write above them. it also applies to the colour scheme of the magazine with is vital.

This is a double page spread from one issue of Q with the them/topic of the magazine being reviewing 2007 there is a main picture of the artist, Mika with quotes overlapping the images and the oposing page an interview with mika. This page like the front cover and contents page agrees with the convenstion of a modern music magazine with the colour scheme.

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