Tuesday, 9 December 2008
LIIAR of my music magazine.
the layout, font of the text, the text itself, images ( photographs), the process of photograph( black and white to colour), Masthead, puffs, the colour, the size of text and the colour of text.
In Music Magazines there is a lot of colour used on the front page, contents page and on the double page spread. The use of font is also very important as music magazine used very busy photographs as there background images so therefore the text has to be bold and recognisable. The plugs are positioned all over the front cover and contents page seemingly spread randomly although a lot of thought will go into creating a successful front cover of a magazine. The plugs are usually distributed around the central image using bold font and a using a witty choice of words.
I - Institution:
The audience of a young adults, students, and some teenagers. exiting stories as well as light hearted fun stories with mainly music stories although some stories are about modern occurring news articles and popular culture.
I - Ideology:
The message i would like to represent music in the media in a print publication. The genre of modern music which i would like to represent is roughly around Rock, Alternative and Indie music, much like magazines like "Q magazine" and "NME magazine"
A - Audience:
My Selective audience would be a young audience, pretty much the same as Q,NME, Kerrang! or Mojo. The target audience will be young people who are attending secondary school ,college or university or who have just left one of these. The music magazine will also be about in trend modern music ( indie music, indie rock, rock and alternative rock).
R - Representation:
Representation in a music magazine will be re-presenting the target audience in some instances interviews and letters from readers/target audience, talking about the magazine, upcoming events, gigs ect. As well as representing them it will also represent the modern music industry, and the people who work within the industry e.g. Artists ( Music), song writers, band members and managers etc.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Conventions of a modern music Magazine.
Front Cover
The front cover of any magazine is vital, it is what attracts the customer to your magazine and what determines if the magazine is bought or not. Here are some conventions of modern day music magazine front covers:
- Masthead although usually impeded by the main image on the front cover.
- The main image is usually a picture of the main story, double page spread.
- The front page is usually very busy with very little space without text.
- There is usually a colour scheme with in the magazine demonstrated on the front page.
- Plugs are used on the front page, to entice readers to buy the magazine.
- Under the Masthead there is usually a sub masthead with a sell line.
- The headline is big and bold ( splash) and draws attention to the front page.
Double page spread (main article)
The double page spread is the main article of the magazine and usually the main reason why readers buy that certain music magazine The conventions of a modern music magazines double page spread (main article) are:
- The double page spread conventionally has one full page photo with the article ( usually a written article or interview) on the opposing page.
- There is usually smaller images included in the article/interview.
- The main image is always to do with the band on the next page.
- There is different coloured font to show the reader that is a different and separate font, usually to show questions and answers.
- There is usually a title on the double page spread of the band.
Contents Page(s)
The contents page of a modern music magazine is usually accompanied on the opposite page by some sort of advertisement ( Music/album or a product which would appeal to the selective audience reading the magazine.
- The Contents page is usually split into sections usually include features, this month, every month and reviews.
- These sections are usually split up by using boxes and sub-headings.
- There will also usually be a medium close up of someone in the magazine with there page highlighted or repeated.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Contents of Q Magazine
Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular musical artists. Popular culture as well s people In the media spot light from Razorlight to Barrack Obama.
The magazine is well known for compiling lists. It has created many, ranging from "The 100 Greatest albums" to the "100 Greatest '100 Greatest' Lists". The most famous of these is the classic "50 bands to see before you die". Every other month, Q has a special edition. These have been about musical times, genres, or a very important/influential musician. Q often give away free gifts such as books and CD’s.
Every issue of Q has a different message on the spine. Readers then try to work out what the message has to do with the contents of the magazine. This practice — known as the "spine line" — has since become commonplace among British lifestyle magazines, including Q's linked magazines, Empire and the football monthly FourFourTwo.
Usual features include The Q50, wherein the magazine lists the top 50 essential tracks of the month; Questions for money: where if you get the correct answer you win a prize, or if your question or comment is posted in the magazine you receive a cash prize.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Music Magazine
after completing my preliminary task I'm know in the process of producing a music magazine. In the following posts i will be researching, planning and designing a new music magazines'
- Front page
- Contents Page
- Double page spread
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Front page Ideas

- free £5 iTunes Voucher
- Student exchange with African college
- Top ten courserwork tips
- new biulding plans
- ash Biulding success so far
- Bombfire night special
- halloween special
- Halloween Party at Welly!
Photo Ideas relevant to story
(took on Bombfire night)
I will need to add a medium close up of a person ( Myself) to the Front page.
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Textual Analysis of another magazines aimed at teenagers.

This is not a college/school magazine although i will still use this magazine to compare the conventions i have already identified by using actual college/school magazines. the first convention i will talk about is the masthead: the Masthead for a college/school magazine is to have a large bold masthead at the top of the front page, this is so when the magazine is on a shelf and only the top of the front page is visible and people can recognise the magazine. The second college/school Magazine is a large image which this magazine has (of Morrissey). It also has a bold overlapping title, with a Witty sub title under the actual title. There is room at the top of the magazine, room for plugs etc. although there is contact details on the page there is no specific logo although the title of the magazine is basically the logo. Although this magazine agrees with most of the conventions of a college/school magazine there is some differences from it and a conventional college magazine such as the plugs aren't at the top of the page but spread all other the page. In NME magazine which is aimed at a teenage audience,uses plugs around the main image i may take this into consideration and include these in my final magazine front page.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Monday, 20 October 2008
Planning - Front Page.
- Use a strong image, though not necessarily a photograph; sometimes text will work well.
- make sure the masthead is clearly independent. This doesn't mean the whole word has to be visible, Although it had to distinctive.
- Make sure the text on the page is visible from up to 3 metres away, as the front cover of the magazine will be amongst other magazines on a rack were the potential customer will have to stand 2-3 metres away.
- Promise a benefit for the reader ( free give away )
- offer something for beginners or new readers ( Free give way)
- Create strong links to the content page. Readers are annoyed if the fascinating story heralded on the cover is impossible to find in the contents list, perhaps because it is a given a different title.
- Stick to your promises
- Put the emphasis on the left hand side of the cover as that is the part which will show when the magazine is on the average newsagent's shelf. The other important site is the top, which is why you won't see many title pieces positioned at the bottom of a front cover
- Planning is vital.
Although my magazine is a college magazine so there is not as much pressure to make a profit on the magazine as it will not be bought. It will be given to students and maybe teachers for free. although it still has to lo attractive to attract the attention so readers will actually read the magazine.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Comparing "Secondary Teachers" magazines conventions with the conventions of another College Magazine.
- Masthead
- Main Image
- Space at the top of Front page ( Plugs)
- Space at the bottom of Front page ( Publishers Icon, Issue Number)
- Text/Font ( overlapping the major image)
- Images
Monday, 13 October 2008
The Conventions of a College/school magaznes.
- A Masthead - All college/schools magazines must have a masthead. The masthead is used to tell what the magazine is about for example " Secondary Teachers" the masthead quite clearly states that the target audience is, secondary school teachers.
- Large Image - The large image like the title also displays the theme of the magazine and the contents of the magazine. This is also supported by the over laid text in a bold font. The use of the font creates depth and the text also re-enforces the images message. Usually found in the centre page.
- Space at the top - The space at the top of the magazine is usually used for plugs and puns. The section can be broken up to 5 separate section all advertising articles inside the magazines.
- Space at the bottom - The space at the bottom is usually used for the producers logo and name, also to display contact information such as the issue, the date and the contact details of the organisation. Although in some magazines this information could be found on the back page or inside pages.
- Font/Text - The font on the front page is usually all the same apart from maybe the masthead or the organisations name and logo. The position of the text is also very particular, such as there is always a play on words in bold font across the main image but in a position which does not obscure the image. The fonts colour is also very important as they try to make they magazine unisex by using both gender associated colours such as Females - Pink and Male - Red and Blue so i will try to include both colours in harmony in my magazine.
- Images - The choice of image is also key as they need to have a meaning behind them relevant to the story.
- Play on words - In most College magazines there are play on words on the front page to create humour and suspense about the story inside for example the secondary teachers story on cooking, on the front page there is the play on words " Cook with me! How schools can make lessons tasty" this is a perfect example of the play on words tactic.
In the next post i will compare the "Secondary Teachers" magazine with another college/school magazine.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Magazine analysis

Front Page:
· Main Image – secondary school children ( both male, although one is white while the other is black, this shows the magazine is ethnically divers) in a dressing room ( football) this shows children( male’s) interest :Football. This is a appealing front cover for males although most females do not enjoy football so therefore this magazine cover isn’t well presented to both genders.
· Text – “Playing to learn” a play on words, a pun. This entices the reader in and working alongside the image helps the audience create a idea what the story will be about (Football). The text is overlade other the image and creates depth and a sense of the story being more than words. The text also gives connotations of what will be inside the magazines. Without mentioning Football directly in hints (implicit) at the fact Football will be involved
· Title – The title of the magazines is “ Secondary Teachers” which blatantly stats whom the selected audience with no confusion. The headline is write in a large san serif using the colour blue merging with the colour green this may be to create effect and depth to the title of the magazine.
· Logo and date – the logo at the bottom left hand corner is a rainbow (this may connote the fact of diversity, piece and unity as rainbows are often seen as a symbol of piece and they have many colours inside them, therefore unity and diverse).

Front Page:
· Main Image – two ginger bread men ( one male one female, a example of gender diversity) on a baking tray to advertise the inside story of cooking in school.
· Text – “ Cook with me ! how schools can make lessons tasty” a play on words, a pun. This entices the reader in and working alongside the image helps the audience create a idea what the story will be about ( Cooking). The text is overlade other the image and creates depth and a sense of the story being more than words. The text also gives connotations of what will be inside the magazines: tasty > food > Ginger bread men > cooking. Without mentioning cooking directly in hints (implicit) at the fact cooking will be involved
· Title – The title of the magazines is “ Secondary Teachers” which blatantly stats whom the selected audience with no confusion. The headline is write in a large San serif using the colour blue merging with the colour green this may be to create effect and depth to the title of the magazine.Logo and date – the logo at the bottom left hand corner is a rainbow ( this may connote the fact of diversity, piece and unity as rainbows are often seen as a symbol of piece and they have many colours inside them , therefore unity and diverse).
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Preliminary Task
- L - Language - the layout, font of the text, the text itself, images ( photographs), the process of photograph( black and white to colour), Masthead, puffs, the colour, the size of text and the colour of text.
- I - Institution - Wyke College, Wyke achieves the best results, more students from the east riding than Hull, academic College. Fun, exciting stories not to in depth and boring.
- I-Ideology- The message i want my magazine to give out, to all students. Respects other people, equal opportunities for all, and diversity for all students. Positive about Wyke College.
- A-Audience- The audience will be the Wyke college students and potential students as well as some members of staff ( roughly 15-19). The Gender spilt 64% females and 36% males at the college. There mainly from around the hull and surrounding area.
- R-Representation- The representation of the magazine would be to represent the college in a positive way, the photographs angles and connotations, stories ( including the Lead story) and how the photographs and stories represent the college.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Research and Planning
I must show evidence of . . .
- Research into similar products and a potential target audience.
- Organisation of models, locations, costumers or props.
- Work on layouts, drafting and mood boards.
- Evidence of time management. Use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation
Introduction to Blog.
In the following Blogs I will be documenting my progress in AS Media coursework ( foundation Portfolio - College Magazine). In the Foundation Portfolio Unit G321 I will design and produce the front page of a new school/college magazines, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close up plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally I will also produce mock ups of the layout of the contests page to demonstrate my grasp of image manipulation program (Photoshop/Fireworks) and DTP ( Microsoft Publisher). I will use http://www.blogger.com/ to document my progress, research and planning using my Blog.